It is up to you whether Tony is slightly inebriated at this point. I think that was my intent. Of course, it's only slightly. In the last panel we see a true depiction of opaque drunkenness.
Another strip I wish I could keep, only because of Doc Galen's leaky, leaky drunken words and a little glimmer of the kind of personality he is in the town. Er, not that he's walking around drunk all the time, but that he's like, scrounging around looking for boys to marry his daughter.
This page is supposed to let the reader in on the fact that both Joseph and Tony have a brother(s) currently serving in the military. It's kind of a throw-away reference though so it's not that tragic that it's been lost.
This page used to look much worse. I colored a bunch of these while I was watching the 2009 World Series. This was patently a foolish idea as I was unable to concentrate on both at once and for some reason, baseball won out. I fixed it up heavily with the use of My Friend the Computer. I must say though that I do like the last panel with the reaching hand. Sometimes I was really good at drawing highly specific things. The unfortunate thing about such an ability is that it really brings out how sub-par the rest of the page is.
He's been there all along, don't you see!? Get it? Get it? Get it? They thought it was him with the mask but the whoooole time it was
DUN DUN DUNNNN. Okay, another confession. This was around the time of drawing my comic that I realized I had not drawn
a single person of color. Realistically, in terms of the time period and the geographic location, this actually makes some sense. Though the area where Wallwater is set was not officially (like governmentally) segregated, there was a lot (a LOT) of racial discomfort and self-segregated neighborhoods, a theme that will be touched on much later in the comic. Poor kid, he shows up and doesn't even get to say anything.
Oi she dressed up
as her MUM! Get it? 'Cos her mom is a horrible person. I do like parts of this strip really, I just need to pick on myself from time to time. For instance, I'm certain that the fifth panel is geometrically impossible. Look at the way Teddy is draped around yet somehow through Aggie's shoulder and chest area. I like the last panel though, some nice attempts at shading there, I commend myself for that at least.