Loud Era has received some beautiful fan art over the years! Click on an image below to see a larger view, or click the listed name to visit the artist's site.
CGSS refers to the annual ComicGenesis Secret Santa, and WCSS refers to the annual Web Comic Secret Santa. "Halloween" gets a touch more complicated- participating artists draw their characters dressed up as another person's characters, like a costume swap.
Vinnie D Halloween 2010 |
IV Studios CGSS 2010 |
TJ Baldwin WCSS 2011 |
Clemon WCSS 2011 |
Mastermind Surprise New Year! |
Here are a few gorgeous pieces done by Ariel Roberts of Quantum Cadet Shannon and Space Princess. You can also view her DeviantArt account here.
Halloween 2011 |
Halloween 2011 |
Halloween 2011 |
CGSS 2011 |