Edward "Eddie" Schuyler

Wallwater Electric High School “Youth Response” Assessment for Students Soon to Graduate
Please answer out the following questions using CLEAR AND LEGIBLE handwriting.
1. Your full name:

Edward Arthur Schuyler

2. Describe your household- how many live there, what condition is it in, etc.

I live with my father and mother. My older siblings are at higher institutions. The house is well kept.

3. Have you done well academically at W.E.H.S.?


3b. If your answer was “NO,” how could you have done better?

4. What classes did you enjoy particularly?

They were all about equal.

5. What sort of EXTRA-CURRICULAR, SCHOOL ORGANIZATION activities have you participated in?

I was the historian for the Student Tutoring Alliance. I went to two chess club meetings. I went to one Student Government meeting. I went to one Boys’ Charitable Works Committee meeting.

6. What are your hobbies outside of school?

Practicing piano and recreational activities with friends.

8. ETHICS & MORALS. If you found ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS on the sidewalk, what would you do?

I would be suspicious of its origins.

9. AMBITIONS & ASPIRATIONS. What do you intend to do after graduating? CONSIDER Young men, will you be able to FINANCIALLY SUPPORT A FAMILY?

Go to college and study law, and probably.

10. PRIDE & APPEARANCES. We remind students that they represent Wallwater Electric High School, as well as the town of Wallwater, even when outside of school. With this in mind, what would you consider to be your best feature? (POSTURE, DRESS, HYGIENE, ETC.)

The fact that I don’t do anything to tarnish the reputation of this fine establishment.

11. What skills do you possess that are likely to help you in the future?

I can figure things out, I understand the way money works, and I am typically self-sufficient.

13. Share an interesting fact about yourself.

I am fond of cashews.

14. YOU HAVE NEARLY COMPLETED THE QUESTIONNAIRE. What is your most cherished memory from your time spent at Wallwater High School?

The day the principal came up and recognized me and told me he thought I was doing “an exemplary job” as the tutoring historian.

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